
Room with a view 🍂
Photo credit: Elien Jansen
#masseria #ItalianGetaway #luxurytravel #CountrysideEscape #RusticCharm #italiancountryside #boutiquestay #stonewalls #CharmingStay #puglia #travelitaly #italianvacation #TranquilStay #dreamdestination #hiddengem #HolidayVibes #TravelGoals #uniquestays #authenticexperience #masserialiving #italianarchitecture #RelaxAndUnwind #topfloorviews #LuxuryRetreat #exploreitaly
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One of our century old olive trees 🫒
Photo credit: Elien Jansen
#masseria #ItalianGetaway #luxurytravel #CountrysideEscape #RusticCharm #italiancountryside #boutiquestay #stonewalls #CharmingStay #puglia #travelitaly #italianvacation #TranquilStay #dreamdestination #hiddengem #HolidayVibes #TravelGoals #uniquestays #authenticexperience #masserialiving #italianarchitecture #RelaxAndUnwind #topfloorviews #LuxuryRetreat #exploreitaly
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Our Honesty bar, the perfect spot to unwind with a good book weather it’s the cool embrace of a spring morning or the warmth of a summer afternoon…
Photo Credit: @pedromouradiniz
#Masseria #ItalianGetaway #LuxuryTravel #CountrysideEscape #RusticCharm #ItalianCountryside #BoutiqueStay #StoneWalls #CharmingStay #Puglia #TravelItaly #ItalianVacation #TranquilStay #DreamDestination #HiddenGem #HolidayVibes #TravelGoals #UniqueStays #AuthenticExperience #MasseriaLiving #ItalianArchitecture #RelaxAndUnwind #TopFloorViews #LuxuryRetreat #ExploreItaly #masseriacervarolo
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Salutatemi quella cessa della Chirulli
A new season is about to start and we already cannot wait for our dinners in the garden 🌳 🌙…
Photo credit: Kostas Magoulas Nasia Belli
#masseria #ItalianGetaway #luxurytravel #CountrysideEscape #RusticCharm #italiancountryside #boutiquestay #stonewalls #CharmingStay #puglia #travelitaly #italianvacation #TranquilStay #dreamdestination #hiddengem #HolidayVibes #TravelGoals #uniquestays #authenticexperience #masserialiving #italianarchitecture #RelaxAndUnwind #topfloorviews #LuxuryRetreat #exploreitaly
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This room is a tribute to ancient stone craftsmanship, where the skillful walls and graceful Carrozza-style vault above blend strength with elegance, capturing the timeless beauty of a bygone time…
#masseria #ItalianGetaway #luxurytravel #CountrysideEscape #RusticCharm #italiancountryside #boutiquestay #stonewalls #CharmingStay #puglia #travelitaly #italianvacation #TranquilStay #dreamdestination #hiddengem #HolidayVibes #TravelGoals #uniquestays #authenticexperience #masserialiving #italianarchitecture #RelaxAndUnwind #topfloorviews #LuxuryRetreat #exploreitaly
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La cessa di Graziana esiste ancora?
Ad summer is getting closer, we already planning our next events…. Including the Typical Apulia Fest !! 🍅
#masseria #ItalianGetaway #luxurytravel #CountrysideEscape #RusticCharm #italiancountryside #boutiquestay #stonewalls #CharmingStay #puglia #travelitaly #italianvacation #TranquilStay #dreamdestination #hiddengem #HolidayVibes #TravelGoals #uniquestays #authenticexperience #masserialiving #italianarchitecture #RelaxAndUnwind #topfloorviews #LuxuryRetreat #exploreitaly
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The ancient stone staircase leading to the upper noble floor of the Masseria…
Pedro Diniz
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One of our favorite rooms… ... See MoreSee Less
Spaziale, debbo dire. Eterea e raffinatissima. È di un mio amico.
Sunrise light in Masseria ☀️… thank you Pedro Diniz for such a beautiful shot.
#masseria #ItalianGetaway #luxurytravel #CountrysideEscape #RusticCharm #italiancountryside #boutiquestay #stonewalls #CharmingStay #puglia #travelitaly #italianvacation #TranquilStay #dreamdestination #hiddengem #HolidayVibes #TravelGoals #uniquestays #authenticexperience #masserialiving #italianarchitecture #RelaxAndUnwind #topfloorviews #LuxuryRetreat #exploreitaly
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Cara Zia Dana, purtroppo è arrivato il momento di salutarci. Noi non possiamo che sperare di rincontrarci un giorno in cielo e trovarti all’ombra degli ulivi che amavi, mentre ti rilassi sul prato verde fresco e ti gusti un bel pezzo di prosciutto crudo dop. Ti ricorderemo per sempre come in questa foto, con uno sguardo felice, con un animo giocoso e con un cuore pieno di affetto. La tua famiglia 🙂 ❤️❤️❤️ ... See MoreSee Less
Mancheranno anche a noi vicini le tue visitine, ci aspettavi seduta davanti alla porta e ti accontentavi di un tarallino o di un biscottino. Un anno ci facesti compagnia mentre raccoglievamo le olive .
Indimenticabile dolce Dana
Mi dispiace tanto, le mie condoglianze ❤️
Quegli occhi dolci mi mancano da morire 😞🩷🩷🩷 Love you Dana mia…
Sei stata una presenza viva del nostro trullo..quando ti vedevo arrivare ti chiamavo “Danaaaa” e tu correvi saltellando, e scodinzolando arrivavi a farti coccolare e se c’era un pezzetto di qualcosa da mangiare era piena soddisfazione❤️! E poi ti fermavi un pó con noi sdraiata fuori casa o nel campo quando ci spostavamo a fare qualche lavoro. Ti penseremo sempre guardando il cielo e pensandoti a correre in libertà lassù. Ciao dolce Dana❤️❤️
Hai avuto tanto affetto dama ora riposa !! Con affetto
Felice di averla conosciuta 😭❤
😞❤️ciao Dana buon ponte
🌈Buon ponte Dana, ci mancherai ❤️
Hai avuto una famiglia e una vita stupenda. Buon ponte cara anima ❤
Mi dispiace tantissimo, vi abbraccio 💔
Ciao Dana ❤️
Buon ponte piccola....♥️😢
Che dispiacere 😢
Dana ...un abbraccio 🤍
Oh I’m so sorry to read this, we missed seeing her on our recent visit 💔
Mi dispiace!!!💔
Dolcissima Dana❤️
Nooo poverina…mi dispiace veramente tanto…un abbraccio
Mi dispiace tanto ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Our swimming pool from above ✈️
PHOTO CREDIT: Lucia Ziliotto | Travel~Coaching~Hotels .
#masseria #ItalianGetaway #luxurytravel #CountrysideEscape #RusticCharm #italiancountryside #boutiquestay #stonewalls #CharmingStay #puglia #travelitaly #italianvacation #TranquilStay #dreamdestination #hiddengem #HolidayVibes #TravelGoals #uniquestays #authenticexperience #masserialiving #italianarchitecture #RelaxAndUnwind #topfloorviews #LuxuryRetreat #exploreitaly
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The white stone at dusk 🌒
#masseria #ItalianGetaway #luxurytravel #CountrysideEscape #RusticCharm #italiancountryside #boutiquestay #stonewalls #CharmingStay #puglia #travelitaly #italianvacation #TranquilStay #dreamdestination #hiddengem #HolidayVibes #TravelGoals #uniquestays #authenticexperience #masserialiving #italianarchitecture #RelaxAndUnwind #topfloorviews #LuxuryRetreat #exploreitaly
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Last night, we embraced the arrival of autumn at our masseria with a seasonal menu crafted by Chef Salvatore Cannalire . Each dish highlighted the finest ingredients of the season, celebrating the rich flavors that autumn has to offer.
#autumnmenu #SeasonalFlavors #masseriadining #autumnvibes #GourmetExperience #farmtotable #italiancuisine #FoodieLife #finedining #LocalIngredients #CulinaryArt #tastingmenu #fallharvest #seasonalingredients #AutumnInPuglia #gastronomy #flavorsofautumn #chefinspired #CulinaryJourney
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Peaceful elegance on the top floor of our Masseria... With a beautiful view, original stone walls, and warm natural light, this room is the perfect blend of rustic charm and modern comfort...
#masseria #ItalianGetaway #luxurytravel #CountrysideEscape #RusticCharm #italiancountryside #boutiquestay #stonewalls #CharmingStay #puglia #travelitaly #italianvacation #TranquilStay #dreamdestination #hiddengem #HolidayVibes #TravelGoals #uniquestays #authenticexperience #masserialiving #italianarchitecture #RelaxAndUnwind #topfloorviews #LuxuryRetreat #exploreitaly
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Il 5/10 Masseria Cervarolo vi invita a scoprire l’essenza dell’autunno con un’esperienza gastronomica innovativa presso la nostra incantevole Masseria. Questa serata esclusiva celebra la stagione con un menu di degustazione creato appositamente per l’occasione dallo chef @salvatorecannalire . Tutti i piatti sono abbinati a vini locali Pugliesi offrendo un viaggio sensoriale che unisce creatività culinaria e l’eleganza del vino.
On October 5th, Masseria Cervarolo invites you to discover the essence of autumn with an innovative gastronomic experience at our enchanting estate. This exclusive evening celebrates the season with a tasting menu specially created for the occasion by Chef @salvatorecannalire. All dishes are paired with local Apulian wines, offering a sensory journey that combines culinary creativity and the elegance of wine.
For more info & booking:
0039 0831303729
#FineDiningPuglia #MasseriaExperience #GourmetInMasseria #CucinaDiTerritorio #PugliaDaGustare #SaporiPugliesi #EventiInMasseria #CucinaInnovativa #ChefExperience #DiningUnderTheStars #PugliaFoodLovers #CucinaContemporanea #EsperienzaGastronomica #ApuliaFood #MasseriaLife #GustoPugliese #CiboECultura #CucinaStellata #RistorantiPuglia #CenaInMasseria #PugliaGourmet #FineDiningExperience #ChefInMasseria #CucinaCreativa #ApulianFlavors
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È stato un vero piacere ospitare un evento di fine dining con @chefkostasmagoulas . Siamo entusiasti del successo e felici di annunciare che abbiamo già pianificato un secondo appuntamento esclusivo con @salvatorecannalire per dare il benvenuto all’autunno.
It was an absolute pleasure to host an exceptional fine dining event with @chefkostas. We’re thrilled with its success and excited to announce that we’ve already planned another exclusive dining experience with @chefsalvatore to welcome the autumn season. Stay tuned for updates!
A special thank you to our sponsors: @enza_fasano_ceramiche, @vinicolapalama, @giancarlo_ceci_agrinatura, @tormaresca @masserialiveli for their invaluable support.
#FineDiningPuglia #MasseriaExperience #GourmetInMasseria #CucinaDiTerritorio #PugliaDaGustare #SaporiPugliesi #EventiInMasseria #CucinaInnovativa #ChefExperience #DiningUnderTheStars #PugliaFoodLovers #CucinaContemporanea #EsperienzaGastronomica #ApuliaFood #MasseriaLife #GustoPugliese #CiboECultura #CucinaStellata #RistorantiPuglia #CenaInMasseria #PugliaGourmet #FineDiningExperience #ChefInMasseria #CucinaCreativa #ApulianFlavors
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Experiencing our swimming pool through the lens of the talented Pedro Diniz was a true pleasure. Hosting this collaboration with such a gifted photographer brought a new perspective to our Masseria, filling us with intrigue and wonder.
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Judith Teicke .......
At dusk, the rustic stone facade of our Masseria, bathed in soft light, reflects the charm and serenity of Puglia’s countryside…
#Masseria #Puglia #RusticArchitecture #StoneFacade #ItalianCountryside #PugliaVibes #HistoricalBuilding #SouthernItaly #MasseriaLife #CountrysideRetreat #MediterraneanStyle #SlowLiving #ApulianCharm #TravelItaly #ArchitectureLovers #TranquilLiving
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An oasis among a vast Mediterranean garden, secular olive trees, trulli and a large pool… the authentic beauty of the Masseria, where time stands still 🌿🌱
PHOTO CREDIT: Lucia Ziliotto | Travel~Coaching~Hotels
#masseria #trulli #puglia #pugliaexperience #visitpuglia #apulia #puglialove #pugliagram #trullipuglia #masserialife #luxurymasseria #masseriaexperience #pugliatravel #trullilife #pugliavibes #discoverpuglia #masseriapuglia #southernitaly #pugliaholiday #trullimagici #mediterraneanvibes #pugliadreaming #unescoworldheritage #PugliaNature #LuxuryRetreat #pugliacountryside #stayinapuglia #authenticpuglia #masseriastay #pugliainlove
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Every day, Silvia puts love and care into making our taralli with simple, wholesome ingredients: flour, olive oil, white wine, and a pinch of salt. Each bite brings you the authentic taste and tradition of our land.
Silvia, con amore e dedizione, prepara ogni giorno i nostri taralli con ingredienti semplici e genuini: farina, olio d’oliva, vino bianco e un pizzico di sale. Ogni morso racchiude la tradizione e il sapore autentico della nostra terra.
#Taralli #TaralliPugliesi #Puglia #PugliaFood #SaporiDiPuglia #CucinaPugliese #TradizionePugliese #MadeInPuglia #GustoPugliese #ProdottiTipiciPugliesi #SaporiDelSud #TaralliLovers #TaralliArtigianali #VivaLaPuglia #PugliaDaGustare #PugliaInTavola #PugliaAuthentica #StreetFoodPugliese #Apulia #PugliaExperience
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Il nostro chef Salvatore Cannalire propone una cucina che prende spunto dal territorio valorizzandone i prodotti. Con spirito innovativo abbina gli ingredienti ricercando sapori originali ed armoniosi.
Our chef Salvatore Cannalire offers a cuisine that takes its cues from the territory while enhancing its products. With an innovative spirit he combines ingredients seeking original and harmonious flavors.
#italyinsider #masseriacervarolo #Ostuni #masseria #puglia #slowliving #mediterraneo #mediterranean #mediterraneanlife #slowtravel #italyintheworld #italia365 #italiaincartolina #howitalyfeels #theworldfromawindow #pugliamia #pugliamoremio #acolorstory #SomewhereIWouldLikeToLive #WhatItalyIs #boutiquehotel #mediterraneanhotel #Summer2024 #weareinpuglia
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This room, situated in the noble section of the Masseria, served as a residence for the noble family. Constructed from local Apulian stone, it features a star-shaped ceiling and a large window overlooking the valley.
#italyinsider #masseriacervarolo #Ostuni #masseria #puglia #slowliving #mediterraneo #mediterranean #mediterraneanlife #slowtravel #italyintheworld #italia365 #italiaincartolina #howitalyfeels #theworldfromawindow #pugliamia #pugliamoremio #acolorstory #SomewhereIWouldLikeToLive #WhatItalyIs #boutiquehotel #mediterraneanhotel #Summer2024 #weareinpuglia
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Blue sky, white limestone and weathered gray stone…
#italyinsider #masseriacervarolo #Ostuni #masseria #puglia #slowliving #mediterraneo #mediterranean #mediterraneanlife #slowtravel #italyintheworld #italia365 #italiaincartolina #howitalyfeels #theworldfromawindow #pugliamia #pugliamoremio #acolorstory #SomewhereIWouldLikeToLive #WhatItalyIs #boutiquehotel #mediterraneanhotel #Summer2024 #weareinpuglia
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Masseria Cervarolo è lieta di ospitare lo chef Kostas Magoulas e di invitarvi il 29 / 08 per un evento di fine dining. Il menù degustazione proposto mette in risalto i migliori ingredienti locali, combinati con la filosofia greca ed influenze globali... Partecipate a questo viaggio culinario abbinato ai vini delle cantine Cantina Tormaresca , Masseria Li Veli , Giancarlo Ceci Agrinatura e Vinicola Palamà. Ringraziamo Enza Fasano Ceramiche per le ceramiche messe a disposizione di questo evento..
Masseria Cervarolo is pleased to host Kostas Magoulas and invite you on 29 / 08 for a fine dining event. The proposed tasting menu highlights the best local ingredients, combined with Greek philosophy and global influences... Participate in this culinary journey paired with wines from the Cantina Tormaresca , Masseria Li Veli , Giancarlo Ceci Agrinatura , Vinicola Palamà. We thank Enza Fasano Ceramiche for the ceramics provided for this event.
#finedining #masseriacervarolo #Ostuni #masseria #puglia #slowliving #mediterraneo #mediterranean #mediterraneanlife #slowtravel #italyintheworld #italia365 #italiaincartolina #howitalyfeels #theworldfromawindow #pugliamia #pugliamoremio #acolorstory #SomewhereIWouldLikeToLive #WhatItalyIs #boutiquehotel #mediterraneanhotel #Summer2024 #weareinpuglia
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Our bread is crafted using Marco’s homemade sourdough yeast, resulting in a unique and flavorful loaf. Made from natural fermentation of apples, our sourdough contains a diverse mix of yeasts and lactic bacteria, enhancing the softness and digestibility of our bread.
Il nostro pane è prodotto con il lievito madre fatto in casa da Marco, ottenendo una pagnotta unica e saporita.
Ricavato dalla fermentazione naturale delle mele, il nostro lievito madre contiene una miscela diversificata di lieviti e batteri lattici, che migliorano la morbidezza e la digeribilità del pane.
#italyinsider #masseriacervarolo #Ostuni #masseria #puglia #slowliving #mediterraneo #mediterranean #mediterraneanlife #slowtravel #italyintheworld #italia365 #italiaincartolina #howitalyfeels #theworldfromawindow #pugliamia #pugliamoremio #acolorstory #somewhereiwouldliketolive #whatitalyis #boutiquehotel #mediterraneanhotel #summer2024 #weareinpuglia
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Built of roughly hewn limestone, quarried during excavations for underground cisterns, stones collected from the countryside and from surrounding rocky outcrops, our trulli bear witness to centuries-old traditions and ways of life.
#italyinsider #masseriacervarolo #Ostuni #masseria #puglia #slowliving #mediterraneo #mediterranean #mediterraneanlife #slowtravel #italyintheworld #italia365 #italiaincartolina #howitalyfeels #theworldfromawindow #pugliamia #pugliamoremio #acolorstory #SomewhereIWouldLikeToLive #WhatItalyIs #boutiquehotel #mediterraneanhotel #Summer2024 #weareinpuglia
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Our swimming pool at sunset…
#italyinsider #masseriacervarolo #Ostuni #masseria #puglia #slowliving #mediterraneo #mediterranean #mediterraneanlife #slowtravel #italyintheworld #italia365 #italiaincartolina #howitalyfeels #theworldfromawindow #pugliamia #pugliamoremio #acolorstory #SomewhereIWouldLikeToLive #WhatItalyIs #boutiquehotel #mediterraneanhotel #Summer2024 #weareinpuglia
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Traditional cheeses, homemade cakes and biscuits, fresh fruit, local jams and cold cuts... Our breakfast is definitely Apulian...
Formaggi tradizionali, torte e biscotti fatti in casa, frutta fresca, marmellate e salumi locali... La nostra colazione è decisamente pugliese.
#italyinsider #masseriacervarolo #Ostuni #masseria #puglia #slowliving #mediterraneo #mediterranean #mediterraneanlife #slowtravel #italyintheworld #italia365 #italiaincartolina #howitalyfeels #theworldfromawindow #pugliamia #pugliamoremio #acolorstory #SomewhereIWouldLikeToLive #WhatItalyIs #boutiquehotel #mediterraneanhotel #Summer2024 #weareinpuglia
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Bravissima Mimma!💗😘
Dolci strepitosi preparati con amore da Mimma Santoro 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Io per colazione vorrei l’uovo revuelto
A small church, dedicated to Our Lady Of Sorrow Virgin Mary (1798) is annexed to the Masseria. A wonderful polychromatic baroque altar and several frescos characterise it. As the presence of numerous written prayers testifies, this church was a very important place of adoration. All the legends related to Masseria Cervarolo made this place a destination for pilgrims looking for serenity and interior peace.
#italyinsider #masseriacervarolo #Ostuni #masseria #puglia #slowliving #mediterraneo #mediterranean #mediterraneanlife #slowtravel #italyintheworld #italia365 #italiaincartolina #howitalyfeels #theworldfromawindow #pugliamia #pugliamoremio #acolorstory #SomewhereIWouldLikeToLive #WhatItalyIs #boutiquehotel #mediterraneanhotel #Summer2024 #weareinpuglia
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Bellissima cappella...ok
From this year, our cooking classes are also open to external guests... Let our chef @salvatorecannalire guide you through the creation of typical Apulian dishes such as taralli, biscotti cegliesi and riso patate e cozze…
Da quest’anno, le nostre cooking classes sono aperte anche agli ospiti esterni... Fatti guidare dal nostro chef @salvatorecannarile nella creazione di piatti tipici Pugliesi come i taralli, i biscotti cegliesi e riso patate e cozze...
#italyinsider #masseriacervarolo #Ostuni #masseria #puglia #slowliving #mediterraneo #mediterranean #mediterraneanlife #slowtravel #italyintheworld #italia365 #italiaincartolina #howitalyfeels #theworldfromawindow #pugliamia #pugliamoremio #acolorstory #somewhereiwouldliketolive #whatitalyis #boutiquehotel #mediterraneanhotel #summer2024 #weareinpuglia
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Dreamlike pictures by Elien Jansen. It was a great pleasure to have this collaboration and see our Masseria through the lens of a talented photographer…
#italyinsider #masseriacervarolo #Ostuni #masseria #puglia #slowliving #mediterraneo #mediterranean #mediterraneanlife #slowtravel #italyintheworld #italia365 #italiaincartolina #howitalyfeels #theworldfromawindow #pugliamia #pugliamoremio #acolorstory #SomewhereIWouldLikeToLive #WhatItalyIs #boutiquehotel #mediterraneanhotel #Summer2024 #weareinpuglia
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Our Trulli on a sunny morning…
#masseriacervarolo #masseria #Ostuni #puglia #designhotel #holidaydestination #slowliving #salento #apulia #boutiquehotel #italy_vacations #valleditria #hotelstay #slowliving #countryside #weareinpuglia #vitalenta #italy #trulli
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Located in a natural sinkhole, our pool is surrounded by native Mediterranean vegetation. By the pool you can enjoy our drinks and fresh food.
#masseriacervarolo #masseria #Ostuni #puglia #designhotel #holidaydestination #slowliving #salento #apulia #boutiquehotel #italy_vacations #valleditria #hotelstay #slowliving #countryside #weareinpuglia #vitalenta #italy #swimmingpool
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I am so excited to see this pool and hotel soon!
Amazing beautiful place to stay xx 😍😘xx
Da quest’anno, per cena, il nostro ristorante è aperto a tutti. Il nostro Chef @salvatorecannalire propone una cucina che prende spunto dal territorio valorizzandone i prodotti. Con spirito innovativo abbina gli ingredienti ricercando sapori originali ed armoniosi.
From this year, our restaurant is open to everyone for dinner. Our Chef @salvatorecannalire proposes a cuisine that takes its cue from the territory, enhancing its products. With an innovative spirit, he combines ingredients, searching for original and harmonious flavors.
#masseriacervarolo #masseria #ostuni #puglia #designhotel #holidaydestination #slowliving #salento #apulia #boutiquehotel #italy_vacations #valleditria #hotelstay #slowliving #countryside #weareinpuglia #vitalenta #italy #restaurant
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My family ate in the restaurant last month and the food and the service was excellent.
Ottimo ! Eravamo lì fino a stamattina lo consiglio
Prenoto un tavolo
Our main courtyard where farmers used to gather at the end of the day for music, dancing and moments of conviviality.
#masseriacervarolo #masseria #Ostuni #puglia #designhotel #holidaydestination #slowliving #salento #apulia #boutiquehotel #italy_vacations #valleditria #hotelstay #slowliving #countryside #weareinpuglia #vitalenta #italy
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One of our XVI century rooms…
#masseriacervarolo #masseria #Ostuni #puglia #designhotel #holidaydestination #slowliving #salento #apulia #boutiquehotel #italy_vacations #valleditria #hotelstay #slowliving #countryside #weareinpuglia
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Our trulli in the sunset light …
#masseriacervarolo #masseria #Ostuni #puglia #designhotel #holidaydestination #slowliving #salento #apulia #boutiquehotel #italy_vacations #valleditria #trulli #trullihouse
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Our XVII Century oven
#masseriacervarolo #masseria #Ostuni #puglia #designhotel #holidaydestination #slowliving #salento #apulia #boutiquehotel #italy_vacations #valleditria
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Our XVII century oven
#masseriacervarolo #masseria #Ostuni #puglia #designhotel #holidaydestination #slowliving #salento #apulia #boutiquehotel #italy_vacations #valleditria
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Sunset light in masseria ☀️
#masseriacervarolo #masseria #Ostuni #puglia #designhotel #Design #holiday #olidaydestination #countryside #farm #farmhouse #hotel #slowliving #boutiquehotel #olivetrees #sunset #dusk #relax #architecture #apulia #italy #italy_vacations
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Sunset light ☀️
#masseriacervarolo #masseria #Ostuni #puglia #designhotel #Design #holiday #olidaydestination #countryside #farm #farmhouse #hotel #slowliving #boutiquehotel #olivetrees #sunset #relax #architecture #apulia #italy #italy_vacations
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Beautiful place to stay Perfect in every way xx 😍😘xx
Our restaurant in a sunny and bright Sunday
#masseriacervarolo #masseria #Ostuni #puglia #designhotel #Design #holiday #olidaydestination #countryside #farm #farmhouse #hotel #slowliving #boutiquehotel #olivetrees #restaurant #apulian #apulia #italy
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Spring vibes in our garden ☀️
#masseriacervarolo #masseria #Ostuni #puglia #designhotel #Design #holiday #olidaydestination #countryside #farm #farmhouse #hotel #slowliving #boutiquehotel #olivetrees #architecture #architecturedesign #italy
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#puglia #Ostuni #salento #valleditria #boutiquehotel #weareinpuglia #trulli #grapes #architecture #architecturephotography #archilovers #architecturelovers #country #countrylife #holydays #easter #bjj #hotel #igers #garden #relax #kindness #sky #igerspuglia #instagood #vacanze ... See MoreSee Less
Stunning place just perfect x
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Patty Whitten, Bobby Whitten what a view
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